Toss the Typewriter

Moving Boulders

What is Love?

Loving someone with a mental illness has been compared to a rollercoaster ride, a merry-go-round, a broken record. As a loved one spits spite; we listen and still love.  We show up the next day for more of the same.  For me, Read more…

Writing Files

Technology and Creativity

Several summers ago, in my first writing workshop, I joked that the difference between a Master of Information Technology and a Master of Fine Arts (MFA) was my MFA homework could be done while resting in my hammock. While that Read more…


Not Your Average To Do List

Each morning I write my To Do list. It is the one that says, do laundry, change beds, pay bills. Or if it is a work day, it is the never-ending list of customers to visit or tasks to tackle. Read more…