Coffee mug of pennies.

Penny Galvanos, 2018

Penny Galvanos, 109, died on Tuesday, September 5, 2018, at her childhood home on Fifth and Arch Streets in Philadelphia, PA. She passed peacefully, her trust in God ever-present. She was being pressed by another man when she met her husband, Abraham. She joked that

Befriend your Inner Critic

When I arrived at my friend’s home for her holiday party, cars overflowed the driveway spilling onto the narrow road. I checked my pant’s pocket for my business cards. Just printed earlier that day, they had my website’s URL and Twitter name in white script on a deep-blue background. These Read more…

Sunlit Trees

Fear, Fraud, and Fiction

I am a writer. The first time I said those words aloud my brain screamed, “you are a fraud.” I attended the New Hampshire Writers’ Project’s (NHWP) Writers’ Day. That was when conferences were live, not virtual. There I stood, surrounded by hundreds of authentic writers. They, with their memoirs, Read more…


Saturday Scribes Showcase #amreading

Christina Keim, non-fiction author, and I will be reading from our latest manuscripts. I hope you will join us on Zoom: to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day at a fictional Dublin Pub.


Toss the Typewriter’s Origin Story

As we approach the tenth anniversary of my first Toss the Typewriter post it is time to brush off the dust bunnies, toss out unused words, and redecorate my website. Like many others in this near-post-Covid-19 world, I have found simpler is easier and less is a multitude. That new-found Read more…